Saturday, November 3, 2018

Our First Sewing Project: Lanyards

Recently, my students created their first sewing project, lanyards!

Set up: Before we started our ascent into the wonderful world of sewing, I did a demo of each stitch that they could potentially see on our journey to become great at sewing. After the demo, they would go back to their machines and practice the stitch that I showed them. They learned how to create a running stitch, backstitch, zigzag stitch, edge stitch, and they also learned how to create a button and a button hole (more on that later). I didn't want to overwhelm them with all kinds of stitches, so I kept it pretty basic in hopes that they would become experts on the basic stitches.

The lanyards: The students were very excited to get their first sewing project started. I usually start with this project because it is fairly simple and a good way to start working on their sewing skills. I have used the same lanyard instructions for a long time and don't remember where I found them. However, they are fairly similar to this blogger who creates her lanyard out of ribbon, like we do. I'm actually considering using these instructions next time.

Frustrations: The frustrations were more with me and trying to demo a button hole for my students. My first period was really the only struggle I had. With my first period being the first group to see the demo, I personally had some struggles with the machine. The machine that we have at school (as I have mentioned in earlier posts) is different from what I am used to at home. On the machine at school, you have to stop the creation of the buttonhole when each part is complete. Whereas, my Brother machine at home automatically stops for you. My machine can be found here →
The machines we have at school can be found here →
The students were very understanding when I messed up and it helped them see and understand that even when you have been sewing for a long time, you are still human and will make mistakes. We have a saying in my classroom. "Your best friend is your seam ripper".
Image result for keep calm and get the seam ripper

🎉Celebrations: Almost all of my students completed their lanyard with ease and they looked awesome! One of my students who started off struggling a little bit with the different types of stitches had a huge victory when they created their lanyard. I was so proud! It turned out awesome! Unfortunately, I only remembered to take one picture of my student making a yellow chevron ribbon lanyard (Not the one who had the huge victory, although this lanyard turned out awesome as well):
This student is putting the finishing  touches on her lanyard
Overall: I think it was a success, but I think my students will be more excited about sewing when we get into things that they get to pick out and choose for themselves.

Countdown: I have decided to reveal this "secret" blog to my students on December 3rd. 30 days! Stay tuned. I think I may try and keep this blog going and feature some of my student's awesome blogs about sewing!

Want to see more from my students?

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